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Important Tips on Health

Important Tips on Health

Meditation to increase brain power

Meditate for some time of the day by making rules. Yoga can be exercised. If it is not possible to walk at least open in the morning and evening. These habits increase the brain’s performance. Increase the brain’s holding capacity. Recognizing the power of the mind, we have the power to think about it. Meditation enhances our thinking ability.

The cause of migraine

The sudden attack of severe pain on the head of the migraine suddenly happened. Increases the aggressive tendency of the pain due to various reasons. Special food items such as cheese, lentil, banana, chocolate, Inc. Nightjar, sleeping irregularities. During the menstrual period, birth control pills. Additional tension or emotional anxiety. Extra work Side effects of certain medicines If these factors are observed and followed, migraine sufferers will be able to save a lot from migraine. Migraine is not a life-threatening disease, but happiness The prevention is an effective treatment. Completely remedies are not possible.

The effect of frustration is not good

Health is never worse than working on stress. But be careful, if you feel overwhelmed by doing similar tasks in one place, it will affect your health.

Depression of the heart

Depression is one of the most difficult mental illnesses. His depression, his depression, is understandable. Depression destroys the vitality of human beings. People have lost their desire to survive this disease. Due to hereditary factors, biological causes, social causes, etc. may lead to depression disease. Depression may also be due to large diseases. Women are more sensitive to depression. Their fear of depression is 3 times higher than men.

Take care of memory and brain

Away! I do not remember anything. Did you lose memory? We are afraid of such allegations against ourselves. If you are older then do more. There are many people who have long lived with a healthy sharp brain. Until the last day, people have been working as an intellectual and untiring retention force. How is it possible? The sharp intellectual, immersive memories of human beings have their characteristics, but they are also the work of humans to keep them.

Sleep will increase memory

It is necessary to sleep like food and exercise for the normal functioning of the body. In fact, for sleep to survive. Sleep is also needed to consolidate or strengthen memory. Especially in recent times, there is a need to sleep to remember or read the issues. This is very important for the students. Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said.


Sleep will increase memory

It is necessary to sleep like food and exercise for the normal functioning of the body. In fact, for sleep to survive. Sleep is also needed to consolidate or strengthen memory. Especially in recent times, there is a need to sleep to remember or read the issues. This is very important for the students. Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said.

Health Information: Brain of the brain is yellow

Already known about the ‘curcumin’ of a yellow juice, it is known that it prevents cystic fibrosis. It is known that this carcinoma is also resistant to brain diseases Alzheimer’s disease. It broke the beta-amyloid heap of rat brain created by genetically engineered. Test tube tests show that humans do not accumulate beta-amyloid protein plaques. The information has come from the Journal of Biological Chemistry. The researchers (UCLA) said that this carcinoma works better than other drugs in Alzheimer’s Disease. Because the molecular mass of the curcumin is low. As a result, it can easily cross the ‘blood-brain barrier’. It works in contrast to beta-amyloid and is contrary to inflammation.


Sleep problems and remedies

No matter how much poetry, lyrics and romance are there on a sleepy night, in the real case, if you do not sleep in ‘the eye’ for a few days in a while, you have to become physically and mentally devastated. Self-test is lost. Then just to sleep a little bit in any way just became desirable.

What is the slip epniya and why

In 1965, the first of America was diagnosed with Sleep Applied. These patients think of themselves as very happy people. Folks-when then, where they can fall asleep. Especially when they fall asleep in any car, in the meetings, in the office, and in the work of monogamy. In this case, the patient’s airway stopped during sleep. Which can be more than 10 to 20 seconds long and can happen in 20-30 times per hour. During sleep, adequate oxygen cannot pass through the lungs and decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood and various cells. Almost all the sleep apnea patients call the nose in the sleeping position. Not everyone is sleeping sleep nip while sleeping.

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